With support from INDIGENOUS WOMEN FUND – AYNI, Maasai Cultural Heritage seeks to strengthen, amplify and scale up indigenous women voices since women play a vital roles in the society; one is they are the stewards of traditional knowledge since most women are the ones who teach children and youth on culture and traditions because they get to spend more time with kids. Secondly, they are the backbone of their households since they ensure all runs well from cooking, milking, taking care of children and livestock.

Women are the center of peace in communities since when conflicts arise the highly affected are women and children hence when they rise and speak on the effects of war and conflicts it will be evident enough because they are mothers who have birthed the Young, the Warriors and the old.

When it comes to youths most disrespect women because right from a childhood stage they have been shown by the patriarchal society that women are just objects of giving birth and working at home hence more youths don’t have a deeper understanding of the vital roles women play not only at their homes, but in the community and society.

Therefore, the Project unfolds all the hidden voices of women through the women groups they have formed that have aimed to empower the indigenous Maasai women hence giving them a platform to execute various economic activities that give them capital that have helped most families eradicate poverty at household levels.