Nia Tero works in areas where Indigenous peoples sustain large-scale ecosystems within their collective territories. They support existing and potential systems of governance that can secure successful guardianship of these territories. Their relationships with Indigenous peoples and local communities revolve around shared commitments for guardianship. These commitments are put in practice through agreements that lay out mutual obligations to secure the well-being of peoples and places and to provide durable, long-term financial and technical support. Each agreement follows an explicit process of planning guided by humility and a principle that all participants are equals.

International Labour Organization (ILO)

The International Labour Organization (ILO) has been working with indigenous peoples since the 1920s, aiming to promote social justice and to improve their living and working conditions.

The ILO Convention No. 169 on indigenous and tribal peoples is internationally recognized as the foremost instrument on the subject that is in force today.

Convention No. 169 is a comprehensive instrument covering a range of issues, including land rights, access to natural resources, health, education, vocational training, conditions of employment and contacts across borders.

Two of the fundamental concepts of Convention No. 169 are consultation and participation. Indigenous peoples have the right to be consulted and to participate in policy, legislative, administrative, and development processes affecting them.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the UN agency responsible for intellectual property matters, and it has specialized knowledge about the promotion and protection of creativity and innovation and the transfer of technology. It also has experience and specialized knowledge about the intellectual property aspects, issues and challenges related to the recording, protection and preservation of indigenous heritage and cultural expressions.

International Indigenous Women’s Forum (FIMI-IIWF)

FIMI-IIWF is a global network of Indigenous women leaders and organizations from the seven socio-cultural regions in the world. FIMI articulates leader and activist indigenous women organizations from around the world in order to reach consensus on agenda, strengthen capacities and develop leadership skills in international decision-making processes, with FIMI as a bridge for women-led initiatives at national, regional and local levels.

Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples 

Seventh Generation Fund is an Indigenous social-profit organization that serves transnational community-based organizations and is dedicated to the self determination of Native Peoples. It focuses on grassroots development, cultural revitalization, leadership development, tribal sovereignty, and culturally appropriate economic development. Seventh Generation recognizes the critical need at the grassroots level for access to resources, technical assistance, and training; and is consistently based on traditional Indigenous concepts of holistic ecological stewardship.


Ministry of Culture & Heritage

Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI)