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Empovering lives through enterprise development

Dates: 11th-15th July 2009


Maasai Cultural Heritage Organization is legally constituted as a community-based organization under the laws of Kenya. It is registered under the auspices of the Ministry of National Heritage and Culture and Social Services within the office of the Vice president Registration number7313 in laikipia north district, Republic of Kenya. This is a strategic arrangement that enables the organization to undertake specific activities relating to promoting, preserving and conserving of the diverse Laikipia Maasai Heritage and different forms of cultural and traditional expressions. As a registered organization the organization is able to undertake a variety of activities ranging from intellectual property rights, local economic development through enterprise development, Cultural education and preservation and using culture as resource to address conflict and promote peace building and livelihood support.

Maasai Cultural Heritage has been involved with five groups in enhancing enterprise development and improving livelihoods. They provided seed grant for each group of forty thousand Kenya shillings for a revolving fund. It is from this perspective that the Maasai Cultural Heritage Foundation engaged a consultant to meet the following defined objectives.

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